MIMIT Health

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3 Reasons Why You Should Treat Your Varicose Veins Now

Your varicose veins can get worse

If left untreated, your varicose veins can get worse and lead to itchy and discolored skin because of the inflammation and leakage from your swollen veins. In serious cases, ulcers may develop. These open wounds come about because of poor circulation, and they will only bring you more discomfort and long recovery times.

Treatment is fast, painless, and typically covered by insurance

Treatment has come along way recently. You no longer have to endure a painful surgery like vein stripping and extensive bed rest to recover. Now there’s minimally invasive ways of relieving your pain from varicose veins, including sclerotherapy, Varithena, and laser ablation. All of these procedures allow you to resume normal activities right away, and we offer them all at MIMIT Health. Even better, they only take about 45 minutes to complete in our office. That means no long hospital visit!

We offer compression socks at our office, too, which is a great first step to prevent your veins from getting worse. We ensure that you get the correct size and compression level.

Additionally, most insurances will cover the treatment when it’s a medical necessity, including
Medicare. Here is a list of insurances we accept. If you don’t see your plan, give us a call and we will find out if it’s accepted or not.

You’ll regain your confidence!

An often overlooked reason to get treatment. Don’t you wish that you had healthy looking legs that you can show off? You won’t have to hide your legs or be ashamed of how they look. Treatment starts working immediately as you can see from these before and after pictures, so you’ll be on your way to a renewed confidence.