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Lion’s Mane Mushroom: super food for your brain?


Can the lion’s mane mushroom improve your brain functioning? Some think so. Sharon Brown, a clinical nutritionist, says, "The possibilities with medicinal mushrooms like lion's mane are endless.”

Here are some of the supposed benefits:

  • Improved brain function

While other foods that claim to improve brain function can’t pass the brain barrier, lion’s mane can, which makes it so interesting.

And, it’s why clinical trials are ongoing to see lion’s mane’s ability to fight Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Consult with your doctor on whether this mushroom is right for you or not.

And remember: This is a form of alternative medicine that isn’t approved by the FDA, so ensure that you are getting the mushroom from an organic, certified grower.

Source: https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/can-lions-mane-mushroom-improve-brain-function