Dextrose Prolotherapy

What is dextrose prolotherapy?
Dextrose prolotherapy is a type of regenerative treatment that involves injecting a saline solution to the affected area (typically the lower back or knee joint) to relieve pain. The solution acts as an irritant, catalyzing the body’s reparative processes and stimulating the growth of new, robust connective tissue.
What is the solution that’s used?
It’s a dextrose (sugar-water) solution.
How do prolotherapy injections work?
When injecting the saline solution into either the lower back or knee, your body’s healing process is then triggered and gets rid of local cells with fluid pressure changes.
Once your immune system brings its inflammatory agents to the target area, collagen breakdown takes place, causing scarring to occur.
Is it a safe procedure?
Yes, it is a safe procedure with low risk for side effects. You may feel some soreness at the injection site, but you’ll be able to resume all daily activities right away.
Many patients experience pain relief as a result of this treatment.
When to contact your physician.
If you do notice any swelling or rash developing, however, please contact your physician.