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Treating Varicose Veins with Varithena

Varicose veins are gnarled, enlarged veins, most commonly appearing in the legs and feet. For many people, there are no symptoms and varicose veins are simply a cosmetic concern. In some cases, they cause aching pain and discomfort or signal an underlying circulatory problem. Certain factors could put you at increased risk for varicose veins, including family history, aging, being overweight or obese, pregnancy or standing for long periods of time as part of your job.

What is Varithena?

Varithena is a polidocanol injectable foam that generates microfoam, which is then injected into malfunctioning blood vessels through ultrasound-guided injection. It helps alleviate the symptoms of superficial venous reflux disease while also allowing varicose veins to disappear by diverting blood circulation elsewhere. It has been approved by the FDA, which means it is totally safe and totally regulated.

This is a non-surgical method of treatment, which means no incision is made and the time needed for recovery is considerably less than other methods.

Why Should You Choose Varithena?

The entire treatment procedure takes less than 20 minutes.

Varicose treatments with Varithena are incredibly fast. First, an ultrasound device is used to locate the varicose vein wall. The foam is then immediately injected into the damaged vein, which diverts blood flow to healthier veins and closing it. From beginning to end, the entire procedure will only take about 20 minutes or less.

It is the least traumatic treatment method among varicose vein treatment options available.

In comparison to other forms of varicose treatment, Varithena causes minimal to no trauma. It can even be used as an alternative to treating the main great saphenous vein in lieu of such treatments as Clarivein and VenaSeal.

Results are seen almost instantaneously.

Upon completion of the treatment, you will begin to notice the results as the varicose veins, almost instantly, disappear. You will also begin to feel relief as leg pain starts to fade, allowing you to resume your normal activities immediately.

Minimal time needed for recovery.

As a non-invasive procedure, you will not feel any discomfort after the treatment. Patients can immediately walk around and resume their normal daily activities right after treatment. However, you should still follow post-treatment guidelines and stay away from heavy exercise for a week.

Varithena treatments are covered by insurances.

It’s true!

What Should You Do After Treatment?

Right after your treatment with Varithena, you will be advised to do the following:

● Make sure bandages are kept in place and dry for no more than 48 hours.
● If you need to exercise, avoid heavy exercise for a week.
● Use compression stockings.
● Avoid being stationary for long periods. Walk around as much as possible, at least 2 hours a day.

Make sure you closely follow these guidelines to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

How does Varithena Work?

As it is administered, the microfoam pushes blood away from the malfunctioning vein and diverts the flow of blood to healthy veins. As the blood leaves the vein, the foam prevents the blood from flowing inside the malfunctioning vein, which causes it to seal and ultimately collapse.